
How To Get Books For Free

Who doesn’t love free stuff? While most books aren’t expensive, if you are an avid reader the cost can get up there. It’s always nice to get a discount but free is certainly something we can all appreciate. Whether it’s paperback, hardcover or on tablets and phones, there are so many chances throughout the day

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How To Research For A Book

Writing a book is a fun experience. However, people sometimes forget the amount of work that goes into it. You have some characters, a story line and how to get from point A to point B. However, that’s not enough as you need to fill the story in with details and facts. This is where

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5 Ways To Beat Writers Block

I don’t care if you’re writing a book, a blog or an email, writers block is real and it’s something that everyone goes through. I think writers block is worse now because we have so many distractions in our lives. Every time I try to sit down and write it seems like I have a

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Writing In The Digital Age

If there’s one thing everyone can agree on about the digital age, it’s that it allows us to get information faster than ever. Whether that’s good or bad is up for debate but it certainly has its pros and cons. If you are trying to become a professional writer the good news is that you

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