
Oklahoma Gazette-Books in OKC?

A little publicity never hurts and this was a nice one that came out in the Oklahoma Gazette, an extremely popular weekly publication in Oklahoma City. If you want to read it here is the link: But where can you get copies of Dark Canvas and The Mask Maker in OKC? Well if […]

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Fortune Cookie Cogitations

I read a fortune cookie the other day and it said, “A single kind word can keep someone warm for years.” and I started thinking how true that statement is. I for one have had several of those occasions. A person told me once years ago that I have had a wonderful positive influence on

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Wine bottle sizes

Do you know the names of the larger bottles of wine? There are several more than I would have expected and we see virtually none of them in the retail market beyond the “Magnum.” But here they are: Magnum(2),Jeroboam(4),Methuselah(8),Salmanazar(12),Balthazar(16),Nebuchadnezzar(20) The numbers beside the names represent how many 750ml bottles are contained in that one container. And

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Ronald Reagan Quotes

One of my favorite politicians and one of the most quotable. Oh how they laughed when an actor ran for President….. I don’t believe in a government that protects us from ourselves. Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the

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A world of rue

  Alone at night on a Valentine’s Day Seems love and youth are so far away Contentment resides in my tenacious dreams Hope refuses to give up, it seems How do I do it, my friends all say, How can you go on and live this way Well my life’s been so full, no regrets

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J.K. Rowling

For all of you out there who have loved Harry Potter and even for the ones who have barely heard of the story(if that’s still even possible) I offer you this clip from TED talks, one of my favorite websites, a commencement speech by the author J. K. Rowling to the 2008 graduating class of

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Dean Koontz

I have mentioned in any number of places how I was inspired by Dean Koontz. The man has written over 80 novels. I have read most of them and uncounted books by other authors. Thousands I would guess, by myriads of authors and many many that I have greatly enjoyed.  But none have tickled my

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Self Publishing roots

Self-publishing has been around for years. There are even a number of big name authors such as John Grisham who got themselves started that way. But when I started writing in 2004 it was still a boutique industry and severely frowned upon by the traditional publishing people. A few companies were beginning to delve into

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I am a pilot and have been since 1977. I have a love of anything that gets off the ground and have tried most of them. One of the highlights of my flying career was when I got to fly-in to the Experimental Aircraft Association air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin back in the mid 80’s.

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